The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test for graduates in the management field administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The test is designed to access the skills needed to succeed in a graduate management program. It is used by thousands of business schools globally for admission into an MBA and other business management-related programs.
Types/Versions of GMAT
The GMAT test is computer-based. Candidates have the option of taking the exam at a test centre or from the comfort of their homes and offices.
Sections and Grading of GMAT
The GMAT exam has four sections: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing assessment. Each section is scored differently and has it’s own percentile rank that contributes to the total score and final percentile rank.
The quantitative and verbal sections are scored on a scale of 6-51. The integrated reasoning section is scored from 1-8, while the analytical writing assessment is scored from 0-6 and is reported in intervals of 0.5. The total score has a scale of 200-800 and is reported in intervals of 10.
What’s a Pass GMAT Score?
Each school has a minimum qualifying GMAT score which is usually not made public. A score of 650 will get you into many graduate business programs, but if you’re aiming for top schools like Harvard Business School, then a score of 700+ is non-negotiable. Some programs like part-time programs designed for working professionals may accept GMAT scores of less than 600. The key thing is to research the average GMAT score of the school you’re interested in to know what is required of you.
Validity Period of GMAT
GMAT test scores are valid for five years from the date of the test.
Why People Get Low GMAT Scores
Most people get unsatisfactory GMAT scores either because they didn’t study enough to cover relevant areas, or they used the wrong study materials. For others, it’s because they got burned out before the test day or they left some questions unanswered during the test and got penalized. To avoid falling into the first two categories, check out our quality, free resources that you can use to kickstart your practice today.
Tips for Scoring High in GMAT
To score high in your GMAT exam there are things you need to do asides studying hard with the best practice materials you can get. Take plenty of timed practice tests to improve your speed and accuracy. You’ll also need to work on your stamina as the exam takes over three hours. During the exam, try your best to answer every question. If you don’t know the answer, make a guess to avoid being penalized for leaving the question unanswered.
Tutorial/Training/Prep Courses for GMAT
We have standard GMAT prep courses that’ll help you prepare adequately for your exam so you can achieve your desired score. We also have dedicated and experienced private tutors to guide and assist you if you need it. Our free test gives you an idea of what you’ll be getting with our paid GMAT prep package.